Monday, May 23, 2011


I am not a cat fan. But I do like cat macros.

Have a great week ahead!


naz said...

giler cute, especially the ninja cat... hahaha

Snuze said...

Yeah. I don't mind cats. Just not in real life.


They tend to "membuat onar" on my lawn, which makes me want to whack them. And they are not even my cats!

naz said...

Hahaha, sometimes the feeling is mutual, but my mum is a cat lover, we have 12.

soren said...

pussy footing is such a naughty phrase :P

Snuze said...

Naz: 12? O_o Wow.

Zu: We whose mind are *Never* in the gutter, never know naughty phrases using the word pussy. *grin*

But nao that you've brought it up, the imagery that comes to mind is ... disturbing to say the least. But oh well. Each to their own.

Dottie With Dots said...

nice ummm pussies...

cant help but to comment.

Snuze said...

Welcome, Dottie!