Showing posts with label trawling the dictionary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trawling the dictionary. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Word of the Day

bumbaste (v.)
(1) To beat on the posteriors; hence, to flog, beat soundly, thrash.
(2) ? To finish off, ‘dispose of’ (a can of liquor).

1) I would like to bumbaste him soundly for his penchant of using bombastic terms.

2) Defeated, Ed gazed impotently at the beer he longed to bumbaste.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Word of the Day

Nombrilisme (Fr.): the disposition to look insecurely inward, to be preoccupied with self-interrogation,             navel gazing.

Adam has no idea that his penchant for nombrilisme was the reason why his girlfriend left him for an XBox.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nature vs nurture?

kleptobiosis (Also cleptobiosis.)  

Among ants and certain other social insects, an association in which a small species feeds on the refuse of a neighbouring nest inhabited by a larger species, or robs returning workers of the host species of the food they are carrying. Hence kleptobiotic.

When confronted about his shaking down of the juniors for their lunch money, Harry earnestly replied that he was merely obeying the natural imperative of kleptobiosis.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Word of the Day

polemomania (n.)

Excessive desire for conflict; militant anger.

After the umpteenth time of having her stapler disappear, Polly was seized by a rush of polemomania.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Word play

Atonement by an adequate degree of suffering.

To make up for calling his girlfriend's pet beaver a rug rat, Owen paid for and sat through a Lady Gaga concert and considered this an act of satispassion.

Saying enough.

Henry's mother-in-law is a fan of hour long satisdiction over his inadequacies as her daughter's mate.

A speaker, an orator.

Lily was disappointed that her boyfriend's claim to be an expert tongueman was from his Toastmaster's Club efforts, not from anything else.

An imaginary instrument for measuring the degree of indecency in something.

Mrs Pruneworthy's obscenometer broke after viewing her son's Internet cache.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another word for a hissy fit

debacchate (v.)

To rage or rave as a bacchanal. Hence debacchation.

After watching Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, I threw a debacchation that could be heard three doors over.

*shakes fist at George Lucas*

Friday, July 9, 2010

A rose by any other name ...


A public lavatory in France.

The vespasienne, although beautifully named, is not always a wonderful place to visit.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Give me something for the pain!

wheeple (v. & n.)

intr. To utter a somewhat protracted shrill cry, like the curlew or plover; also, to whistle feebly (intr. and trans.). So wheeple (n.).

The force of the projectile smashing his groin was such that Ian wheepled like a boiling kettle before collapsing to his knees, clutching himself. Faint sounds of retching could be heard soon after.

Yes, I know, smashed balls are not funny. No, I lied. They are funny as hell.

Don't believe me? Just watch the Three Stooges.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Surgical Word of the Day

Gouge (n) a curved chisel used in orthopaedic operations to cut and remove bone.

Mary daydreamed about plunging a gouge in the cheatin', lyin' heart of her son-of-a-bitchin' boyfriend.

The beautiful painting is by Pino.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Geological Word of the Day

Ignivomous (Ig`niv´o`mous) : Vomiting fire.

Joe was ignivomous after consuming the leftover vodka.

Oh, and the thing about exploding eggs in the microwave oven? It is not an urban legend. Please take note.

However, if you choose to ignore caution and do it anyway, please take a video and upload it on youtube. Your pain need not be in vain.