Monday, October 11, 2010

How do you receive good news?

How would you react if someone calls you tell you that you've won the Nobel Prize?

A scream? Disbelief? A vague, "Huh?"

Check out some of the responses of Nobel Prize winners here. Pretty snerkworthy.

Music + science = WIN!

A new take of a golden oldie.

Ganked from Dr Salman Hameed.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Better living through chemistry

Interested in coming up with your own personal psychedelic cocktail? There are books that will teach you how to whip up your own concoction in the comfort of your home. Written by the godfather of Ecstasy.

Results will vary and any prison/death/lifelong embarrassment -related outcome may ensue.

While on the topic of ingestible material, there are some food that should also be categorised as dangerous/controlled substance. If you are what you eat, why would you eat these?


It's okay, I don't need to prove mine is bigger than yours.

However, if consuming questionable materials/chemical/food in the chase of that adrenaline rush doesn't do it for you, why not try blowing things up to exercise your creativity? Marvelously, there are books that will teach you how to create your own IED without stepping out of your house. For the aspiring Unabombers out there, check out this page in

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Being gay for a pal

I kept re-watching this and it cracks me up every single time. The earnestness of Matt Damon is just so twee. It's not new but the pure lulz factor is awesome.

Nature vs nurture?

kleptobiosis (Also cleptobiosis.)  

Among ants and certain other social insects, an association in which a small species feeds on the refuse of a neighbouring nest inhabited by a larger species, or robs returning workers of the host species of the food they are carrying. Hence kleptobiotic.

When confronted about his shaking down of the juniors for their lunch money, Harry earnestly replied that he was merely obeying the natural imperative of kleptobiosis.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Science is so cool ...

Next time you get into a bar brawl, don't drink up all the beer first before smashing the bottle over your opponent's head. An empty bottle takes more energy to break. The damage: Not so different.

Also, if you work in the healthcare industry and feel the need to let fly some swear words, feel free to do so. It helps reduce your desire to maim the offending party.

Tequila is a girl's best friend. Not only can you get deliciously smashed from drinking it, you can also make diamonds from it. No kidding.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Reasons to smash your brain up

If you are a hardcore gambler, reading this research article may make you want to go out and find the best way to damage your prefrontal cortex. Apparently, you make a better gambler if you feel no fear.

Yeah, try telling that to those with the ah longs breathing down their neck.


Why must we live in boxes?

Categorising organisms is a scientific discipline brought to organised form by Carolus Linnaeus (is my nerd-dom obvious?). Is labelling things a biological imperative? Why do we feel compelled to identify things (even people) into neatly labelled boxes?

Sexual identity is one of them. How many of us enjoy a titillating whisper speculating on whether X is gay and does his wife know it? We hear of cases where children kill themselves after being jeered as gay by their schoolmates. Being labelled accurately (or inaccurately) can  be hurtful, especially if the label is perceived in a negative manner. The best case scenario is that we no longer attach negative connotations to any labels, but that is pure fantasy.

Nevertheless, is it necessary to let people know whether we are straight/gay/bi/asexual/pansexual?

What business is it of theirs anyway? Unless they are a potential bedmate, I don't see why it would be of relevance to them. Even if you did end up in bed with said person, it is still not of relevance to them.

It may only be relevant if you decide to make a commitment to that person; in which case, I do believe in total disclosure. I see no reason why a gay person (male or female) should not get into a heterosexual marriage, so long as both parties are willing to stick by their vows (To love and cherish faithfully, till death etc etc etc). Sexuality is NOT an excuse to be unfaithful (yeah, Jim McGreevey, this means you); you chose to marry that person, commit to a family life with that person, so you damn well better stick to your end of the agreement, bud.

However, with the famewhore mentality that seems to be pervasive, it appears that people feel a need to let the world know of who/what they are. Look, at the end of it, who cares whom you like to bang (unless you're Roman Polanski)? I agree wholeheartedly with Ms Moreno on her post Gay? Straight? Get Over It. When it comes to treatment of non-heteronormative characters on television/silver screen, I prefer the way the Europeans do it; with a shrug and "let's move on" nod without the drama and obsequiousness that we see in Hollywood.

So unless you're like this guy (see bottom), there is no need to tell all and sundry about whom you'd like to kick the sheets with, yeah?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't be too hard on the youth today ...

... they can't help being what they are. If you are a GenX'er (or even a baby boomer) who is exasperated when dealing with a junior / student / whatever who belongs to the Generation Y, you are not alone.

Some have harshly dubbed the GenYs as the Dumbest Generation who believe everything they read on the Internet and are desperate for fame that they'd do the most hideous things to get the most hits on YouTube. Narcissistic and short-sighted, they are disdained as fame whores who have little understanding of privacy of self. They come across as figjams with a massive sense of self-entitlement. But is that really what they are or are we guilty of generalisation?

As a GenXer, one should be a little more understanding, coming from a tough sell generation that has been dubbed as cynical slackers with no real ambition or impact on the world. Yeah, no doubt you had moments of wanting to yank your hair out by the roots because the dumb intern refused to write a letter / e-mail without using gibberish texting acronyms (W U?!) but once upon a time someone else had bashed their head on the desk at the sight of you as well.

Frankly, I believe that the GenYers face a great deal more challenge than we did. They are bombarded with so many messages that rivals an ADHD with no Ritalin on a sugar high. Yes, they have the advantage of technology (home PC, laptops, highspeed Internet connection, mobile phones etc), but it also means more pressure for them to stay connected, to out-perform and to be the one to be noticed in a crowd. For those who lament that this generation do not know how to take care of themselves or do the simplest chores, remember that they are the generation raised by maids and had no other job except to study and go for tuition / dance / music / art classes.

GenYers are also under pressure to excel in a terrifying way. The pressure to take more than 10 subjects for their high school exam., to score all A's, to be the best athlete, the best performer, the best writer etc etc etc is something we never had to contend with. Granted that the SPM during our time was tough enough that getting 8 A's makes you the wunderkind of the district, sometimes even at state level. Since so many people are obtaining a gazillion of A's, university entrance become extremely competitive and they have to work ever so much harder to distinguish themselves from their peers.

We can afford a childhood rife with play time, exploring our neighbourhood with friends and generally just being a child. We had little fear of strangers and except for the odd, racist fear mongering of our elders ("If you are naughty, I will sell you to the cloth merchant Bengali!") we are relatively footloose and fancy free. We didn't worry about being bullied online (our bullies prefer being up close and personal), we didn't worry (overmuch) about passing the exams, we didn't worry about the environment that we were despoiling, we didn't worry on whether the economic cake was enough for us as well and ad nauseam the worries that plague kids born after 1990.

And many of us forget that the target of our rants are just a small percentage of the population of GenY. These are the privileged, middle to upper class kids who come from two income families. We forget those who slip between the cracks, the children of the urban poor (many who turn into Mat/Minah Rempit to spend their time or relieve the pressure they face) or the rural poor who struggles because they are not equipped to face the changing economy.

So let's not be an old fart and give the kids today a break.

Word of the Day

polemomania (n.)

Excessive desire for conflict; militant anger.

After the umpteenth time of having her stapler disappear, Polly was seized by a rush of polemomania.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Necessity is the mother of all invention?

Did you know that pornography helps drive pay-per-view television (precursor to what is now Astro in Malaysia) and the VCR (the great grand-daddy of DVDs and Blu-Ray disks for you millenium kids)? Not to mention the infrastructure of the Internet.

I didn't know either.

On the scientific front, the reason for females to be unfaithful has been quantified mathematically (in a Royal Society B paper, no less).

It is beautiful, see?

For men to be unfaithful, apparently mathematics is not required (either that or scientists haven't bothered analysing such a common and unremarkable phenomenon).

Pest control green-style

Eco-friendly pest control is all the rage. It took the near-demise of the bald eagle to stop the world from using DDT to control mosquitoes (a move said to have inadvertently drove up the number of malaria cases)and other agricultural pests for us humans to learn that, "Dude, you gotta also look at the bigger picture."

How do you kill an invasive nocturnal predator that was accidentally introduced into the ecosystem of an island? By parachuting dead mice laced with toxin onto the tree-tops where said predator inhabits. Bear in mind that the parachute systems evaluated includes those that make sure the poisoned bait stays on the tree-tops and not harm the innocent crabs living below on the ground.

Is that ingenious or what?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Video killed the radio star ... best and worst.

I was flipping channels one night and had the poor chance to watch the "Telephone" video clip, courtesy of MTV Asia. Like an insect caught in amber, I was paralysed and unable to change the channel; hence my watching it in its entirety.

I have known that Lady Gaga isn't a believer of titillation; rather, she courts outright revulsion, but seriously, that video clip is about as sexy as pornography.


I wish I had seen this video right after I had seen that mental rape of a video. Now *this* video embodies sexiness in a textured and visually delectable manner. Oh, it also helps that the deliciously sinister Mr Eric Roberts is featured in it *bites lip*.

Enjoy. The Killers' Mr Brightside.

Monday, September 6, 2010


The strength it takes to make this look effortless is stupefying. Wonderful interpretation of the tango via the titillating pole dance.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Word play

Atonement by an adequate degree of suffering.

To make up for calling his girlfriend's pet beaver a rug rat, Owen paid for and sat through a Lady Gaga concert and considered this an act of satispassion.

Saying enough.

Henry's mother-in-law is a fan of hour long satisdiction over his inadequacies as her daughter's mate.

A speaker, an orator.

Lily was disappointed that her boyfriend's claim to be an expert tongueman was from his Toastmaster's Club efforts, not from anything else.

An imaginary instrument for measuring the degree of indecency in something.

Mrs Pruneworthy's obscenometer broke after viewing her son's Internet cache.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

Older, not necessarily wiser

Better living through chemistry, I always say. Scientific and pharmacological progress can help rewind the clock and reinvigorate the limp flesh. No other drug has been enthusiastically lauded and celebrated as the (in)famous little blue pills that made gazillions for pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer.

It is said that Viagra (alongside its brethren Cialis, Levithra etc.) has now changed the sexual landscape worldwide. The little blue pills allow older men to hold on to younger partners as well as contribute to a growing population of swingers.

Frankly, I believe in live and let live. Your body is a temple; worship it, do whatever you want with it. After all, the human condition focusses a lot on pleasure seeking activities; whatever it was that crank your engine, be it illegal pharmaceuticals, adrenaline or even pain.

However, studies have shown that the sexual landscape sculpted by the little blue pills include a rise in sexually transmittable diseases (STDs) among the older population. One study actually demonstrated a link between men who take erectile dysfunction drugs and STDs. Another showed that middle aged swingers are at higher risks of STDs infection.

Previously studies on sexually transmittable diseases are focussed on populations who practice risky sexual behaviours (teenagers, sex workers, men who have sex with men), now it is the parents and grandparents who are more likely to come down with the clap. Is it because they are no longer concerned about pregnancy they leave off using rubbers?

*rolls eyes*

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I am in awe of this guy's creativity. I wonder how much did it cost for him to transform his apartment *admires*

ETA: Post title spelling corrected from "ingenuous". Pardon the spelling fail. *headdesk*

Monday, August 9, 2010

The little grey cells are NOT for decorative purposes only

New nomination for the Darwin's Award: the guy who died in a sauna competition.

I mean, c'mon.You steam a guy like dumpling and see who cries chicken first. Like, WTF? You are elevating your core body temperature, dammit, never a good thing.

They've had the competition for some time already, yeah, (and presumably no one died) but it was just testing fate. A sauna is not meant to be a he-man test; if you want one of those, go swim in an ice floe.

No wonder men die early. They die of stupidity.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Scientists say the darndest things

Many people become scientists because they have a passion for finding answers. Me, I'm okay with other people doing the work and me being told the answer. I guess I'm just lazy.

But what are the burning questions that are being answered courtesy of your
hard-earned tax-payers' money?

1. That male ducks outstrip the Homo sapien variety in terms of sexual appendages.
    a)  The male duck penis can change shapes (giving new meaning to screwing).
    b) The male duck penis can grow 25% larger than normal during mating season (guys, forget those pumps and enhancers; you are a confirmed loser in the evolutionary battle for larger you-know-whats).

2. That it is easy to break up with your now-insignificant other via Facebook (text messages and phone calls? phbllltt. So yesterday).

3. That to measure courage in terms of brain activity, one can make people with ophidophobia bring a snake close to their face while they are stuck in the MRI machine (and get published in a high impact journal, yo).

4.  That you can measure boredom (and get funded by the military to do so).

5. That you can teach a monkey to floss (and have better oral hygiene than most Homo sapien).

Monkeys teach young to floss their teeth using human hairs
Uploaded by ITN. - Watch more comedy videos and sitcoms.

6. That you can frame someone for a crime using synthetic DNA (forget what you see on CSI; please remember that it *is* a television show).

And the list just goes on ....

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A matter of perspective

I am not a very artistic person; the only time I ever got an A for art class was because my group member drew the project and we all slapped paint on it. However, I have always enjoyed paintings and like the saying goes, "I don't know much about art, but I know what I like."
Periodically I go to the National Art Gallery to look at the exhibits. I love the works of Abdul Latif Maulan; his work has a viscerality and intensity that imbues his subject with a larger-than-life energy. I am particularly fond of his tepak sireh series; they evoke a nostalgia of a time long gone and elucidates Malay sensibilities and culture beautifully.

An artist captures a moment, a thought, an emotion, a memory in his/her artwork. A skilled artist can present it in such a way that an untrained audience can appreciate the message conveyed in the piece and it enriches their experience. The plebeian me only appreciate art that is clear; i.e. abstract paintings and sculptures hold little interest for me.
The subject matter in art is a matter of personal preference. Human or animal figurines, still life and landscapes can tell a complex story with nuance and dimension that is both proffered by the artist as well as imposed by the viewer themselves. If the art resonates with you, the experience can transcend your sensory memories and invoke emotion and passion.

War art is not new; it is a popular subject and theme for artists since the development of cave paintings. Classical paintings in Europe often portrays war scenes from historical battles. I was introduced to this idea from my favourite Mary Jo Putney book, River of Fire. The only difference between the war art in the classical painting and what we see now is the diversity of artistic media available; from oils, chalk, water colour to digital photography.

I find the idea of capturing the experience of war using art intriguing. The US Marines and US Navy have artists in their ranks who are deployed in wars, carrying art supply along with their heavy packs. A mini view of the Navy art gallery as well as the Marine combat art is available online.

Illustrating war provides a very intimate view of the combatants; telling stories that would otherwise be watered down or distorted by the media. It helps to humanise the combatants and to underscore the humanity (or lack of) of the all of the engaged parties. I don't know if anyone who look at these images and still see war as romantic; to me they underscore the price that are paid by both the combatants as well as the non-combatants in the conflict.

Will art help to make an unpopular war more palatable or a popular one more acceptable in general? I don't know. Michael D Fay and Kristopher Battles are two Marine artists who capture the engagements in which they participated in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their work is beautiful, even as the theme and subjects can provoke strong negative emotions.
Sgt. Battles and Chief Warrant Officer (Rtd.) Fay offer us another facet to the war that is often contemptuously dismissed, particularly by opponents of the American occupation.

Frankly, I think the American occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan accomplished little of what they set out to do; it is unlawful and a gross violation of human rights and national sovereignty. I
do wish that the American troops will withdraw from both countries and let the Iraqis and Afghan people rebuild as they see fit. If they are wont to kill one another without an occupying force "maintaining peace", by all means let them. These are lands that have not seen peace without an iron fist; their people are not ready for the American brand of democracy, as well meaning as those tenets are. It is doubtful that the occupation actually helps to reduce terrorism in the world. However, the hidden strings being pulled and people benefiting from this atrocity that is paid with blood and pain on both sides of the conflict means that there is no easy way out of it.

This is beautifully illustrated by Dark Side of the Sun by the glorious Tori Amos.

Let us all work towards peace for everyone.

To know me is to love me? Biblio edition meem.

I snagged this from an LJ friend (the lovely pwcorgigirl who shows fabulous grace in the face of much adversity).

Crossposted at LJ and FB. Just sharing some of my reading habits.*grin*

Damn right I want to save some naked women.

1. Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?

No. I read when I snack, not snack while I read (if you get my meaning).

2. What is your favorite drink while reading?

None. I often am too engrossed to bother.

3. Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?

I love to abuse my textbooks! Colourful lines, rude comments on the margins, the lot. But my storybooks are off-limits. No pencil, no pen although you may find the odd lipstick marks when I nod off and accidentally kiss the book *blush*.

However, I would love to chop off the hands of people who write, underline etc in library books. Hello? Not your personal possession. Other people want to read it too and nobody wants to read your illiterate scribblings.

4. How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ear? Laying the book flat open?

Commonly a book mark or laying the book face down (I try not to break the spine, though). I keep cardboard pieces for this purpose; nice bookmarks often disappear when you need them the most.

5. Fiction, Non-Fiction, or Both?

Mostly fiction. I read obsessively what interests me at the time, be it Persian history, Lalique or even social issues on pornography. But I do like my non-fiction with lots of pictures; especially coffee table art books.

Used to borrow books from the library and force my Mum to read them and give me the CliffNotes condensed version of them.

6. Are you a person who tends to read to the end of a chapter, or can you stop anywhere?

I prefer to go to the end of a chapter, but can stop anywhere.

7. Are you a person to throw a book across the room or on the floor if the author irritates you?

Oh yes. On the floor; but mostly I whack my mattress with it. I do hold books dearly, even those that I loathe.

Non-fiction book that I've tossed: haematology textbook and the AABB blood banking manual (no wonder I could never get more than a C or C+ for it).

Fiction: The last book in Pullman's His Dark Materials series. I felt cheated to discover the culmination of an interesting series to be nothing but a rant against the Church. Give me back the time I wasted, dammit!

8. If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop and look it up right away?

I try to figure out what it means from the context in which it was used. If it bugs me enough, I dig for the dictionary.

9. What are you currently reading?

Unperfect Souls by Mark del Franco. Delish!

10. What is the last book you bought?

Sandman Slim - Richard Kadrey
Some orchid growing thingie for my Mum.
I usually rent or borrow what I read, since books are pricy. I have wonderful suppliers (my cousin and friends, you know who you are). I usually buy books for my Mum and my niece; I do go nuts during book warehouse sale though.

11. Are you a person that reads one book at a time, or can you read more than one?

One book at a time. I can read more than one but it leaches away my enjoyment.

12. Do you have a favorite time/place to read?

I like to read on the swing in the garden, though it means sacrificing a few microlitres of blood to the mozzies.

I read practically everywhere; while queuing, eating, stuck in a jam etc. The prefects used to scold me for reading while walking back to class from recess time. In my defense, I have never tripped or bump into anyone/anything while I do so.

13. Do you prefer series books or stand-alones?

I love both. I would follow a series by an author I love obsessively; I rec the series by Carrie Vaughn, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Mark del Franco, Charlaine Harris, Patricia Briggs, JD Robb and Simon R Green. I find urban (and non-urban but contemporary) fantasy to make the best type of series to follow. If you like the way the 'verse is shaped, you will want more.

14. Is there a specific book or author you find yourself recommending over and over?

Contemporary romance: Linda Howard, Jayne Ann Krentz, Jennifer Crusie.

Historical romance: Lisa Kleypas, Amanda Quick, Christina Dodd, Loretta Chase

Supernatural/paranormal romance: Shana Abe, Susan Krinard, Sherrilyn Kenyon, MaryJanice Davidson

Futuristic/fantasy: JD Robb, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Emma Bull, Elizabeth Vaughn

Urban fantasy: Mark del Franco, Carrie Vaughn, Patricia Briggs, Simon R Green, Jim Butcher

Feminist theorist: Fatima Mernissi, Amina Wadud

15. How do you organize your books? By genre, title, author's last name, etc?

By size and space. I am *not* an organised person.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Men are from Mars, Women are ... ?

It is amazing the things people do in the name of research. It is also amazing the things people study in the name of research.

Nicolas Gueguen begun publishing in 2000 stuff that we already know; except that he included a proper hypothesis, experiment and detailed the outcome mathematically (the way a good scientist would).

For example:

1. Women with bigger boobs get more male attention.

2. That romantic songs puts a woman in a mood to say yes.

3. Waitresses who wear makeup get more tips.

4. That women in their fertile phase are also more likely to say yes to a guy.

Gratuituous Angelina Jolie shot for the gents.

You gotta admire a man who is systematically and mathematically profiling factors that influence men-women interaction. Especially when met with lame pick up lines, women are more wont to be doing this:

Vive le sciences et recherche!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Not proselytising!

I love this man. I do. I'd offer myself to be his second wife, but I don't think he'd want such a heathen like myself. *grin*

Any number of my friends have been the unfortunate listener to my rants of the deficiencies of religious scholarship in my country; particularly the religious teachers in schools who are fond of damning and hellfire. But it is scholars like Imam Faisal, Dr Mohd Asri (although I may disagree with some of his politics)and Dr Amina Wadud who gave me hope that my beautiful faith can be interpreted most beautifully and inclusively, the way it is meant to be.

Another word for a hissy fit

debacchate (v.)

To rage or rave as a bacchanal. Hence debacchation.

After watching Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, I threw a debacchation that could be heard three doors over.

*shakes fist at George Lucas*

Monday, July 19, 2010

On skiving

Shirk : verb ‘To avoid work, duties or responsibilities, especially if they are difficult or unpleasant.’ [source: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary ]

The Japanese are renowned for their insane work ethics and dedication to duty. Is it any surprise that they would be the ones to publish a paper on professional skiving? Mathematically eludicated, mind you.

Another work week begins

The horror!

Oh noes!!!!

Oh, if only ...

Science fiction is no longer fiction.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Iz serious biznes, hokay?

Business Time by Flight of the Conchords is kinda like Marvin Gaye meets Steve Carel.

Trippy and soulful ... but sex-ay?

You decide.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Looking for that special someone? Have no clue where to start? Think that the Internet is the answer to your prayers?

According to Dan Ariely (he teaches behavioural economics at MIT), online dating is not the best way to meet people if you are looking for something permanent.

Oh dear.

Friday, July 9, 2010

A rose by any other name ...


A public lavatory in France.

The vespasienne, although beautifully named, is not always a wonderful place to visit.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Give me something for the pain!

wheeple (v. & n.)

intr. To utter a somewhat protracted shrill cry, like the curlew or plover; also, to whistle feebly (intr. and trans.). So wheeple (n.).

The force of the projectile smashing his groin was such that Ian wheepled like a boiling kettle before collapsing to his knees, clutching himself. Faint sounds of retching could be heard soon after.

Yes, I know, smashed balls are not funny. No, I lied. They are funny as hell.

Don't believe me? Just watch the Three Stooges.

Monday, July 5, 2010


(1) Feasting, banqueting, ‘riotous eating’ (Blount). (2) Eating together.

Fasting month is around the corner; let the comessation begin!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Yummy stuff ahead

Wedding cake for geeks of every flavour. As an amateur baker whose idea of cake decoration is slopping vast quantities of ganache over every inch of said baked goods, I can only marvel at the amount of work and creativity that goes into these.

*props chin to admire some more*

All pics swiped from Jet City Cakes.