Sunday, June 6, 2010

You + me + baby makes 3

While I was doing literature review for my previous project, I discovered a plethora of concoctions for gila meroyan (post-partum depression) in traditional Malay medicine. The Malays take psychological health of new mothers seriously, judging by the variety of tisane available for this malady.

Again, in these times of gender equality, even fathers get post-partum depression.


Wonder if all those concoctions would work on anxious, suicidal daddys too.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

For a sylph-like silhouette

Often it is said that vanity, thy name is woman but in these times of gender equality, even men wear foundation garments.

Shape up, tuck in, define - that's what foundation garments are for. They can run anywhere from low down RM 45 to thousands.

My fav quote from the article?

“Spanx for Men is all good, until you meet a chick,” one skeptic warned on Twitter. “You gain 45 lbs when you get naked.”

Alas, there are some things that can never be hidden.

Surgical Word of the Day

Gouge (n) a curved chisel used in orthopaedic operations to cut and remove bone.

Mary daydreamed about plunging a gouge in the cheatin', lyin' heart of her son-of-a-bitchin' boyfriend.

The beautiful painting is by Pino.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Geological Word of the Day

Ignivomous (Ig`niv´o`mous) : Vomiting fire.

Joe was ignivomous after consuming the leftover vodka.

Oh, and the thing about exploding eggs in the microwave oven? It is not an urban legend. Please take note.

However, if you choose to ignore caution and do it anyway, please take a video and upload it on youtube. Your pain need not be in vain.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Not two-legged sloth

I am sure you encounter two-legged sloths on a daily basis. I should know; I am one.

The four-legged ones are sooooo much cuter!!!

Meet the sloths from Amphibian Avenger on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Beard-ome and the science of aesthetics

I have a friend who has never been successful in growing a beard. He would be green with envy at the luxuriant facial hair sported by other men and bitch about the pathetic stubble that was the product of losing the razor for 3 weeks.

Dude, people are doing research on it. Perhaps you just don't have the right genes for it.

*pats him in commiseration*

Who says science geeks aren't creative?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Too many cooks will spoil the broth

As a baker, I know that specifics can be helpful in order to get the best outcome of the recipe.

But "Whole eggs may be liquid or frozen and shall have been processed and labeled in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Inspection of Eggs and Egg Products (7 CFR Part 59)." ?

I think that is a bit much. Trust the military to complicate desserts.

But you gotta admit the precision of the instruction is truly a thing of beauty.