Thursday, May 26, 2011

How do you measure love?

Apparently it is possible to estimate the value of Love using basic algebra of need, perhaps some calculus, maybe a bit of the geometry of innocence, and a lot of wishful thinking.

You start with:

        (Love - 0) / No limit

And other mathematical gobbledygook that I don't understand (since I was this close to flunking Additional Mathematics) ...

Which leads to the conclusion:

1. Love is infinite if X is finite.
2. Love is indefinite if X is zero.
3. Love is infinitely negative if X is negative.
4. Love is imaginary if X is imaginary.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Another midweek sh*ts and giggles.

You've already left Monday ... but Friday is still a day away.

Have some chuckles.

Isn't good that we have super strict gun laws in Malaysia?

Duct tape. Good for all emergencies. And I mean all.

Why is it Asian movie ghosts have to be female with long hair? What about those with boy cuts? Or men! Aren't there any male ghosts?  *rants some more*

Ow! My head! *clutches refrigerator*

If you know and see what you want, go and get it.

What Child Protective Services? The kid is having fun!

Getting hammered. The Charlie Sheen solution to all problems. Learn from the winner, little girl.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Things that make you go "Huh?"

And then "Euw ...."

I don't even know ...

Brain bleach, anyone?

Get ready!

For the Muppet ... DOMINATION!

Ah, Kermit ... *fond memories*

Monday, May 23, 2011


I am not a cat fan. But I do like cat macros.

Have a great week ahead!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Midweek sh*t and giggles

For the darling Seorang Blogger who lives in a place with lousy Internet connectivity ...

I give you pictures!

Enjoy, darling!

My namesake!

Or is it the other way round?

Don't care. Here's the cutest video of a sloth trying to cross the road in Costa Rica. I gotta say; the good Samaritan sure have the most fantastic legs.

Isn't the sloth adorable?

(ganked from here)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How do you mend a broken heart?

Chocolates? Alcohol? Beating up some unsuspecting stranger/not-stranger (literally or figuratively)?

Phhbbbttt ... so old school.

If you want to go for the most cutting edge measure, you gotta go the stem cell way.

How do you mend a broken heart? (Full version) from British Heart Foundation on Vimeo.

On the other hand, setting the property belonging to the person who broke your heart on fire may also help. However, make sure that you either have a good lawyer on your side or that you can't be caught.


Who says scientists aren't arty?

Don't believe me? Watch this.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Carl Linnaeus!

Carolus Linnaeus made pigeon-holing and characterising animals and plants to an elevated science. In honour of his 300th birthday, a group of scientists in Sweden decided to throw a party to celebrate it. It took 3 years to organise (any wedding planner given this kind of time-line would run screaming into the night).

Have a look at the party here. It is super awesome.