Showing posts with label Admiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Admiring. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2012

Your online privacy is ephemeral, kids

If you have kids and they have Facebook, it behoves you to check out what they are up to online every so often.

I felt for this guy, I do. Heck, his kid and I aren't too dissimilar, except I'm not stupid enough to bitch about my parents on Facebook when my Dad works in IT.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Do you appreciate your senses?

As a music aficionado, I love the luxury of listening to aurgasms (the first 2 definitions, please). I try to be cautious with my headphones and earbuds, not to listen at too high a volume which could damage my hearing in the long run. But as I mentioned before, many people are not as careful. Are you one of them?

Like many of our senses (sight, taste, feel) we take our hearing for granted. I only appreciate my voice (although I am a mediocre singer) when I had a horrid throat infection to the point that I completely lost my voice. And yes, my youngest uncle was right. Once you stopped talking, it is very hard to start again, even if you are a chatterbox.

Do we think about other people who are deprived of their senses, either from birth or due to disease or accidents? Have you ever thought how it would be like if one day you can no longer hear the voice of your loved ones, no longer see the beauty of this world, no longer taste chocolate, no longer feel the silk against your skin? If your answer is yes or no, pray to God that you will never experience it.

It is easy to feel sorry for people who are unable to enjoy one or more of their senses due to a disability. However, many of them refuses to be the object of pity and made a life for themselves that is fulfilling and rewarding. And yes, even deaf people can enjoy music. Evidence are below.

Grenade by Bruno Mars

The New Sh*it by Marilyn Manson

Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

Okay, okay, I am a few days over due. But what can I say? I'm an inveterate (invertebrate?) procrastinator. I'd tell you that it's my resolution to change, but then I would be lying.

Anyhoo, enjoy some sweet music from the delightful Zooey Deschanel and her dashing friend, Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Violins and moonbeams

One of the sweetest and most romantic songs ever.

I give you Hujan's "Dikala Bulan Bermain Biola"

I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

On how I freaked out my friend at the movie theatre

It started really innocuously. I went to watch this movie with Naz ...

And I was a sobbing mess at the end of it. Haven't cried like that watching anything; not since the staging of Lantai T Pinkie and Erma Fatima's amazing monologue way back in 1997. That one was really bad in that there were 4 of us watching the theatre with only 2 pieces of Kleenex between us. FML.

Anyway ... most of my friends know that I have been frothing at the mouth to watch this movie thanks to this man,

who is not only dastardly attractive and massively talented, but also warm and kind and just bloody adorable as seen on his interviews.

But I have to say that I was absolutely ecstatic with how Gavin O'Connor crafted a family drama with mixed martial arts as a sport as a background.

Mad fangirl squeals and massive spoilers ahoy!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Traipsing down memory lane ...

I was eleven the first time I listened to this song. Although I was a callow child with little understanding of romantic notions, but the sincere emotions illuminated by a sweet melody and illustrated by prosaic lyrics really struck me. The song evoked a visceral reaction in me and I remember going to school, humming this song and trying to recapture the sensation I experience even from the opening bar of the song.

Since then, I have been a fan of Robert Palmer and am working towards collecting his discography. He was a talented musician and singer who delved in genres from pop to progressive rock to swing and jazz. But I love him best when he croons love sweet nothings.

Now, I all I need to do is find a guy who will dedicate this song to me. *grin*

Monday, September 5, 2011

Rhythm mechanical

I have a tendency of loading video clips without watching; when immersing self into auditory bliss, visual input is not needed. When I listen to this video, I just get this strangest floating sensation ... pleasant and yet eerie.

And then I actually watched the video.

Video below cut for disturbing theme. You have been warned.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sounds gassy

No, it's not a fart symphony. But something way cooler than that.

Go watch.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Swing it!

For those who enjoy steampunk novels, here is the genre that would be the perfect soundtrack to your reading pleasure. Caravan Palace is a marvelous example of the melange that is electro swing. Big band sensibilities with electronica edginess, this genre is whimsical and magical with an underlying darkness like hidden teeth.

*is swinging away to the beat*

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Relationship manifesto

(Un)healthy relationships ... if you are in one or are looking for one, this is the song for you.

I give you the delightful Emily Haines and DJ Tiesto. Lyrics can be found here.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Traditions versus Islamic practices

I love how this guy articulate an issue that is plaguing many Muslims, especially in the current global sociopolitical climate.

ETA: Transcript of video under cut for Seorang Blogger.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Carl Linnaeus!

Carolus Linnaeus made pigeon-holing and characterising animals and plants to an elevated science. In honour of his 300th birthday, a group of scientists in Sweden decided to throw a party to celebrate it. It took 3 years to organise (any wedding planner given this kind of time-line would run screaming into the night).

Have a look at the party here. It is super awesome.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

OMG! This is severely cool!

The nerd in me is amazed by the amount of work that had gone into this game. If you are interested in how addictive substance of abuse act on the brain or just want to torment some lab mice, go here!