Friday, May 4, 2012

I never knew ...

... that recording audio books is so much hard work.

Not to mention awkward.


I don't understand that reference said...

Have you read the book? or have you read the book.. lol! I look at wiki it says explicitly erotic scenes featuring elements of BDSM O_O (No wonder Ellen and her 'stuff' for the special effect sound).... also it originated from a Twilight fanfiction... heee

Snuze said...

Yeah, I have not ventured into Twilight fanfic as yet since the Inception and SPN fandom has a wealth that I am barely tapping at the moment, hehehe. I like reading slash of fandoms I don't care about like Firefly and Stargate Atlantis (Sheppard/Dex/McKay 4eva!); reading characters I don't know much about smexing is awesome.

Yes, Wincest squicks me. Gotta draw the line somewhere, no? Unless it's really well written pr0n ....

No, I have not read 50 Shades of Grey. The erotica I think is still pretty vanilla compared to what we commonly enjoy *grin*; just mild bondage and spanking (read some excerpts). Then again, I don't need character development for my pr0n, hahahah!

Angela Gripesalot said...

it might not be the content that made it difficult to read, but the repetition of a rather large number of phrases in each part of the trilogy. One reader got her Kindle to count 'em in the first book, and wound up with 195 "whisper"s and 125 "blushes"/"flushes". There was also too much "clambering". Yay for mommy porn.