Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Beyond Hammer House of Horror


Seorang Blogger said...

tolonglah jangan kau ubah persepsiku terhadap binatang chomell itu ;-)

Snuze said...

Kecomelan haiwan itu menyembunyikan seribu kejahatan. XD

Tahukah engkau di sepanjang hayat seekor kucing rumah yang dibiarkan bebas di luar, >100 ekor burung kecil akan lunyai di bawah cakarnya?

soren said...

you are responsible for altering my perceptions towards cats. bad bad kitty!

Snuze said...

Zu: Underneath that cute, furry exterior beats the heart of a pure predator. Don't be fooled!

naz said...

Well2....u managed to rally up supporters for anti-cats cause, hehehe. Cats are opportunists type creature, they know how to exploit their cuteness. Like they say, "Dogs have masters, Cats have staff".

Queen of hearts said...

They are all so cute!! Except for that one creature. HAHAHA! I nearly punch a hole in my mbook.

Snuze said...

Aha, Sophie! Nao I know that you are arachnophobic! *cackles madly with glee*