Thursday, June 16, 2011

A lolcat life

I love animal macros (I think you can tell by now). Let me use some of them illustrate what I think other people see when they look at me.

This is the reason why I make a lousy photographer (and investigator too).

This happens a lot to me too.

I do this a lot to my niece (and vice versa)

This could substitute as one my school photos.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Moar better living through chemistry - midweek sh*ts and giggles

Because I am lazy to think and I thought these are LOL-worthy.

Before Botox, one is dependent on either susuk or Dorian Gray's (if you're in the West) portraiture in the effort to retain youthfulness.

It's all about the joy juice (and I'm not talking about Kickapoo here, mind).

Weed: making housewives happy had never been so easy.

Don't take it lying down, girl!

When I saw this picture:

I thought of this song:

which was featured in the Quentin Tarantino movie, Death Proof. I love April March's music style; I was surprised that she's actually a contemporary artist and not one from the swinging 60's.

For those ladies who want to warn their man who has a wandering eye (and other body parts) tendency, send him this song.


Lyrics under cut.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Things that make you go hmmm ...

There has been some furor over the Obedient Wives Club (sorry, no link to club, only reports) establishment. The main goal of the club, which many find offensive, is the idea that a wife should be a high-class hooker for her husband in bed in order for him to be happy and not leave them.

I suppose those ladies wants a return to the subservient Derma Taksiah who washed her husband's feet when he returned home and dried said appendage with her long and luxuriant hair. These are educated women, mind you. They have travelled and seen the world, yet they still hold such views.

Frankly, I thought the idea of the club should be offensive to men; bringing them down to the level of slobbering animals who care for nothing else but sex from their wives.

Although the club members avow that their point is about giving sexual satisfaction to their husbands will keep their marriage happy, it still smacks of a transaction between a hooker and a john. Lust without emotion. I give you something you want, you stay faithful to me. Quid pro quo. So why is it in this context, it appears as though a husband and wife cannot enjoy each other sexually in a mutually satisfying partnership without the need to lower one partner to the level of a sex worker?

The thing is, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) did mention on the importance of sex in a relationship. That a wife is deserving of physical and spiritual succor. That it is the duty of the husband to give her satisfaction. But he also stressed on other factors that is vital for a relationship to work as well.

The marriage solemnisation in Islam has no mention of obedience; unlike the traditional Christian wedding vows. So I don't understand where did this idea of obedience and subservience to your husband comes from. The longest and most fulfilling marriage of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was his first one with Siti Khadijah. She was older than him and was his boss to boot before they got hitched (she proposed to him, mind you.). He was monogamous with her and mourned her loss; it was some time after she passed away before he agreed to take another wife. He spoke of her fondly that some of his other wives were a little jealous of a dead woman.

Would an older woman likely to be subservient to her husband? I think not. An older woman would, however, likely to be a proper helpmeet and partner who will cherish her husband within the bedroom as well as without. It would appear that the secret of the success of their relationship did not hinge on whether Siti Khadijah knows the kama sutra, but rather because she was conversant with the Al-Quran.

I would like to think that men want a partner who is also a friend with whom they can converse; that they care for a smart woman who will raise their children well, and that they want someone who will cherish them even when the pole can no longer raise the flag.
But then again, perhaps I am just a hopeless romantic.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saying it ...

... with fans?

Apparently, Georgian flirtation is a lot more subtle than we believe.

Ah, the fickleness of young love ...

(Stolen from Two Nerdy History Girls)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Looking into a mirror ...

... and despising what you see?

There is a possibility that you feel that way because your reflection isn't  like the ideal that looks down at you from the billboard. You're not fair enough, your hair isn't straight/curly/thick enough, your flabby gut is laughably far away from the six-pack ideal, your boobs too small/big and so on and so forth.

But the truth is, even the models don't look like themselves. Cindy Crawford, the it girl of the nineties, was quoted to say, "I wish I looked like Cindy Crawford." She cheerfully acknowledgeD that her pictures were airbrushed to make her skin pore-less, her legs longer, her waist slimmer etc etc etc. All the pictures of celebrities and advertisement these days are photoshopped within an inch of its life. So if you are looking at those images for what is an ideal appearance, forget it. It is all LIES! LIES! LIES!

It is about time that we love ourselves for what we really are. Tall, short, thin, fat, flat, curvaceous, dark-skinned, light-skinned; those doesn't matter as much as the kindness in your heart and the love you extend to others.
I think the provision in Islam (and many other religions) to dress modestly is sound. When you dress in a way that does not emphasise on your appearance, you take your looks out of the equation. Then you will be judged not on how you look; but rather on your personality and abilities. Isn't that liberating? No more worrying about shaving your legs, or whether you have cankles or that you are bloated because your period is around the corner and you have muffin-top.

Unless of course, you are facing an idiot who firmly believes that covering your hair means you support terrorism.


Stolen from here.

Transcript for darling Seorang Blogger from Natalie.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Destroying your childhood ...

... one superhero at a time.

Under cut for NSFW images. If you wish your childhood memories of Batman, Spiderman etc to remain inviolate, DO NOT CLICK. You have been warned.

Creative, but ...

... decapitating yourself using the tractor loader possibly isn't how Caterpillar envisioned the use of their machinery.

Oh boy.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Traditions versus Islamic practices

I love how this guy articulate an issue that is plaguing many Muslims, especially in the current global sociopolitical climate.

ETA: Transcript of video under cut for Seorang Blogger.