Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This is why you should teach your kids about sex

*Did you hear about the parents who found out that their 10-year old was visiting S&M websites?

Mum: Well, what are we gonna do?
Dad: Well, we can't spank him.

That parenting style is as fail as this.

*Allegedly joke told by Barack Obama at a press conference.

Monday, May 30, 2011

What the ...?

It's Monday and I need some giggles.

Don't you?

Oh, Freddy. I miss you. There is none currently who can match your talent or style. R.I.P, darling. *cries*

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I do NOT have ADD!

(stolen from here)

My fondness for opening multiple tabs in my Firefox browser has NOTHING to do with ADD (attention deficit disorder), thank you very much. Nor my tendency to be working on 4-5 items simultaneously. It's not because of my ferret-like attention span that .... oohh! Sparklies!

... made me jump from subject to subject.

It's just that I have too much brain.


That's right. The little grey cells (to quote Msr. Hercule Poirot) of my left superior parietal cortex (the part of the brain that is roughly three finger span behind my left eye) are just too plentiful.

Trust me. Scientists said so.

However, this does not mean that I am any cleverer (hah!). In fact, it actually means that "a greater volume of grey matter may indicate a less mature brain, perhaps reflecting a mild developmental malfunction".


How can this be fixed?

Apparently, the team who wrote the paper is working on stimulating the mega-brain area by "placing electrodes on the head to deliver an unnoticeable electrical current to the immediate area".

Unnoticeable electrical current, yeah right. Now pull the other leg.

Time for your electroconvulsive therapy, m'dear.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hell is other people

Existential angst, Star Wars style. In French, no less.

(Stolen from Two Nerdy History Girls)

Happy 34th birthday, Star Wars!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How do you measure love?

Apparently it is possible to estimate the value of Love using basic algebra of need, perhaps some calculus, maybe a bit of the geometry of innocence, and a lot of wishful thinking.

You start with:

        (Love - 0) / No limit

And other mathematical gobbledygook that I don't understand (since I was this close to flunking Additional Mathematics) ...

Which leads to the conclusion:

1. Love is infinite if X is finite.
2. Love is indefinite if X is zero.
3. Love is infinitely negative if X is negative.
4. Love is imaginary if X is imaginary.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Another midweek sh*ts and giggles.

You've already left Monday ... but Friday is still a day away.

Have some chuckles.

Isn't good that we have super strict gun laws in Malaysia?

Duct tape. Good for all emergencies. And I mean all.

Why is it Asian movie ghosts have to be female with long hair? What about those with boy cuts? Or men! Aren't there any male ghosts?  *rants some more*

Ow! My head! *clutches refrigerator*

If you know and see what you want, go and get it.

What Child Protective Services? The kid is having fun!

Getting hammered. The Charlie Sheen solution to all problems. Learn from the winner, little girl.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Things that make you go "Huh?"

And then "Euw ...."

I don't even know ...

Brain bleach, anyone?

Get ready!

For the Muppet ... DOMINATION!

Ah, Kermit ... *fond memories*

Monday, May 23, 2011


I am not a cat fan. But I do like cat macros.

Have a great week ahead!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Midweek sh*t and giggles

For the darling Seorang Blogger who lives in a place with lousy Internet connectivity ...

I give you pictures!

Enjoy, darling!