Monday, July 9, 2012

Ear candy - shoegazer

Shoegazing is a trippy alternative pop/rock music is a unique product of the late 80's and 90's, blending haunting melodies to depressing lyrics with a sound that won't be amiss in an acid trip experience. You can read a more thinky description of the music here.

Trailer Trash Tracys is a new band out of London that embodies some of the best elements of dream pop and shoegazing.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Midweek sh*ts and giggles

The rest is undercut due to NSFW-ness.

Eternal light?

I watched Majalah3 on Saturday about people who donated their bodies to a Buddhist medical university in Taiwan for the students to practice surgery and to learn about the physiological manifestation of the disease from which they died. There were men and women, the youngest was 33 and the oldest was a man in his 60's. The medical students honoured the deceased as well as their family according to Buddhist rituals. After the surgical practice training was over, the medical students helped in preparing the bodies for their final rest.

It was one of the most moving episodes I have ever seen. I admired the generosity of spirit demonstrated by the "Silent Mentors" in donating their body to advance medicine and medical training. I empathised with the family members who probably felt like they were losing their loved one all over again.

But this?

I ... have no words.

I suppose Hilary Clinton's expression says it all.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Moar ear candy

I love NPR. They are the reason I begin to have an appreciation for musicians who make lyrical poetry to match their songs.Otherwise, I'm basically melody driven. The song could be about monkeys fornicating for all I care, which is how I enjoy opera and songs in a language I don't comprehend.

Simone White's Big Dreams and the Headlines.

Patrick Watson's Adventure in Your Own Backyard.

Sinead O'Connor's I Had a Baby.

And of course, her iconic anthem.

Have a great weekend, y'all!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ear candy

I have been listening to this over and over. The riffs, navel gazing lyrics ...


Delicious. This is my approximation of poetry appreciation.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Free verse

Loneliness can keep haunting you ...
        Buried in your psyche ...
                Loving the journey ...
                        Dreading the destiny ...

 Stolen faith, lost tenderness

 Buried under water ...

Monday, June 18, 2012