Showing posts with label Sexual Devolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexual Devolution. Show all posts

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Keep the faith!

Men, if you want to reduce the risk of dying from a heart attack, stay faithful to your wife.

The numbers don't lie.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What's it take to be a man?

Apparently it's harder than it looks.

Forget landscaping. It's time to manscape!

However, gentlemen, before you start being depressed about having to look like a Jersey Shore reject, take heart.

Word, sistah.

Friday, April 20, 2012

You don't have to keep your hands to yourself

This song always makes me smile with its easy honky tonk rhythm, bringing to mind a smoky Western bar with ladies in painted on jeans and big hair and wild make up line dancing to it with men in ten gallon hats. But the deeper message of the song is not that light hearted. Basically it was about a guy who wants a little lovin' without payin', if you catch my drift.

Now, the gents may think that the lady was being a little hard on him, insisting on a wedding ring before engaging in intimacies. But many men don't appreciate that it is always the woman who is left holding the bag, or more likely, the baby. Many denigrate the pro choice team for being "baby killers" but how do you resolve the problem of unwanted pregnancies (whether within a marriage or without)? Women can lose their jobs for getting pregnant. Often they have little to no support to help them either financially, materially or emotionally to have children, even worse for those who have no partner to help shoulder the burden.

I love how this song speaks about the hard choices a woman have to make, often without support because of a mistake or even rape.

For so long the discussion about unwanted pregnancy focuses on women; how they should be more modest, don't tempt men, keep their knees together, and not have sex with men who are not their husbands (like men only have sex with their wives, hah!) and so on and so forth. Because women are the one who will get pregnant, it seems like the onus is only on them to make sure it doesn't happen.

But may I point out, gentlemen, that it takes two to tango?

Why not make it easy on the lady (or ladies, if you fancy yourself a player) in your life and partake on the amazing discovery by Prof. Sujoy K Guha and get yourself RISUG? The procedure doesn't take any longer than your visit to the dentist and you only have to get it once every ten years. Think of how much you can save on condoms! Besides which, condoms do have a failure rate of up to fifteen percent and some men are allergic to latex (you DO NOT WANT rashes on your precious dangly bits or the need to carry EpiPen to ensure the post-coital panting isn't anaphylactic reaction).

So take responsibility for your sexuality, gentlemen and do the right thing! Do it even if your DNA is super amazing and demands propagation! Unless, of course, you wanna be pickin' up the child support cheque. In which case, by all means go forth and multiply.

Note: If you are in the habit of bed hopping, then you need to use condoms (latex or polyurethane) to ensure that the bodily fluids you share ain't gonna carry nasty critters to your partners (or you acquiring said nasty critters). It's kinda awkward having to ring up a bed partner three weeks later to inform her that she may need to pay a visit to the friendly neighbourhood STD physician, you know?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sweet addiction

If you have high speed internet connection, a personal space and a computing device, I will bet that you have used all three to search for some sexually titillating media for your personal enjoyment.

But I ain't judging you. Each to their own. It's a billion dollar industry in the US of A and makes gobs of money world wide. Which ever taste you swing towards, there will be a porn of it somewhere.

Some would say it is better to indulge in some porn-driven personal time than to be unfaithful to one's partner or indulge in illicit sexual activity. Again, each to their own. However, there is a major downside to porn that is rarely discussed: inability to hook up with a REAL PERSON.

Porn is like McDonalds: cheap, easy and satisfying. But unless you want to be afflicted with poor blood chemistry profile and a waistline that rivals the circumference of the equator, you may want to indulge only on occasion to just take the edge off your appetite. If you have a gourmet kitchen and available material, why not take the time to prepare something that is much more satisfying and healthy than to consume processed product that no longer look like food?

Romancing your partner may take some time and effort. But surely a 3D enthusiastic partner is better than a 2D quickie?

But then again, each to their own.

I will let you go back to your previous activity.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Midweek Sh*ts and Giggles

For the love of pr0n!

This clearly illustrates that bitches don't see themselves as bitches.

Like the Evita song, "You Must Love Me".

Stereotyping is bad!

I snorted my tea listening to this.

(moar under cut for NSFW-ness)

Friday, December 23, 2011

This is mega TAK SENONOH!

You have been warned. Seriously skirts Not Safe for Work-ness.

But the reason I wanted to share this video is because it examplifies how tolerance and accommodation of the needs of both partners can lead to a harmonious relationship.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thinky thoughts

We grew up bombarded by images; stills and videos, in our media saturated world. I am sure many of us are skeptical about the idea of subliminal messages and how we are manipulated to buy, to believe, to act, by a group of nameless and faceless people driving media corporation.

But how many of us believe that pretty girls cannot do maths? How many of us believe that blondes are hotter than brunettes? How many of us obsess over what a female senior administrator look like rather than how well she can do her job?How many of us believe that women are emotional, conniving jerks? If you ever entertained such thoughts, please watch the video below.

If you have mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, I hope you rethink your stance.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Hahahahah ... now that it is no longer Ramadhan, I can post this picture.

So ... which number are you? Either one.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Things that make you go hmmm ...

There has been some furor over the Obedient Wives Club (sorry, no link to club, only reports) establishment. The main goal of the club, which many find offensive, is the idea that a wife should be a high-class hooker for her husband in bed in order for him to be happy and not leave them.

I suppose those ladies wants a return to the subservient Derma Taksiah who washed her husband's feet when he returned home and dried said appendage with her long and luxuriant hair. These are educated women, mind you. They have travelled and seen the world, yet they still hold such views.

Frankly, I thought the idea of the club should be offensive to men; bringing them down to the level of slobbering animals who care for nothing else but sex from their wives.

Although the club members avow that their point is about giving sexual satisfaction to their husbands will keep their marriage happy, it still smacks of a transaction between a hooker and a john. Lust without emotion. I give you something you want, you stay faithful to me. Quid pro quo. So why is it in this context, it appears as though a husband and wife cannot enjoy each other sexually in a mutually satisfying partnership without the need to lower one partner to the level of a sex worker?

The thing is, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) did mention on the importance of sex in a relationship. That a wife is deserving of physical and spiritual succor. That it is the duty of the husband to give her satisfaction. But he also stressed on other factors that is vital for a relationship to work as well.

The marriage solemnisation in Islam has no mention of obedience; unlike the traditional Christian wedding vows. So I don't understand where did this idea of obedience and subservience to your husband comes from. The longest and most fulfilling marriage of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was his first one with Siti Khadijah. She was older than him and was his boss to boot before they got hitched (she proposed to him, mind you.). He was monogamous with her and mourned her loss; it was some time after she passed away before he agreed to take another wife. He spoke of her fondly that some of his other wives were a little jealous of a dead woman.

Would an older woman likely to be subservient to her husband? I think not. An older woman would, however, likely to be a proper helpmeet and partner who will cherish her husband within the bedroom as well as without. It would appear that the secret of the success of their relationship did not hinge on whether Siti Khadijah knows the kama sutra, but rather because she was conversant with the Al-Quran.

I would like to think that men want a partner who is also a friend with whom they can converse; that they care for a smart woman who will raise their children well, and that they want someone who will cherish them even when the pole can no longer raise the flag.
But then again, perhaps I am just a hopeless romantic.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

All it takes to survive bad fortune is decent manners ...

... but good fortune, that takes character.

I have never done a movie reaction before (did quite a few of episode reactions on my livejournal) but I'm moved to do it for this movie. It is a reaction, not a review because at 4 o'clock in the morning, the little grey cells are sluggish. Not to mention that I have zero clue about writing reviews.

Don't we all aspire to be functioning adults?

It is an interesting movie; but not one you should watch with children in the vicinity. Basically, it is about an adult movie actress making a transition to life after pornography.

The movie starts out from the perspective of Burt Rodriguez, a sex blogger for the Latin America, who feels strongly about how the post-modern aesthetics of  pornography, with particular focus on the work by Elektr Luxx, are cheapened and unappreciated. He strived with his website for the work of Elektra to be appreciated as an art form and was unhappy by the skanky guys who left crude comments on his blog.

You could say that Burt was just another guy living with his Mum who blogs pseudo-intellectually about his obsession with a porn star. Well, I suppose he went a little farther; most guys would just fap. Just ask a normal heterosexual guy what he thinks of Sasha Grey and watch their eyes glaze over.

Anyway, I love the juxtaposition of humour with deeper thinky stuff and I didn't just watch it for the delicious Mr. Olyphant ...

So pretty ... *dreamy*

... or the ever so adorable Mr Gordon-Levitt.

*licks screen discreetly*

Trixie, a girl desperate for Burt's attention, made test shots of herself in order to get his attention. It is kind of sweet and sad at the same time that she felt the need to put herself up like an internet pinup in order for him to really see her. How many times have we heard of women who complain that their significant other kept comparing them to unattainable supermodels and actresses? How many times have we complained that people have unrealistic expectations of how we should look, thanks to the media?

My favourite line: "I want to swallow you whole and spit out bones," which Trixie gently whispered to Burt, stroking his hair lovingly as he slept on her lap.

Oh, and the thing between Holly and Bambi? Sweet and hilarious and just ... I think I get why guys are big on the girl-on-girl thing. *grin*

Oh hai, Traci Dinwiddie. Always nice to see Supernatural guest stars in other stuff. And oh hai, Adrianne Palicki, Sam's roasted girlfriend.


I think the central issue the movie dealt with is about how women are perceived by the society, thanks to the media. The objectification of women is not just the fault of women who choose to trade on their looks to build their assets (no matter what industry), but also we as a society for expecting it, enjoying its titillation and yet turning our noses up at it.

I don't know where it came from that a woman can only be either a Madonna (not the music icon) or a whore; but I think it is time that we accept women are PEOPLE who make mistakes and are multi-dimensional and that WE MUST NOT JUDGE, lest we be judged.

After all, we all live in glass houses; who can afford to throw the first stone?

(post title is from a line in the movie)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Euphemisms You Should Know

Euphemism: a word or phrase used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word.
'Senior citizen' is a euphemism for 'old person'.
The article made so much use of euphemism that often its meaning was unclear.

This one is a winner: Got caught cheating by your wife = Crashing the Escalade.

That's what happens when you get caught with your pants down. Sometimes even literally.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Revenge

Valentine's Day is not just about lovers reconnecting with one another. It could also provide an excuse for the lovelorn to drive down to the love shack to get some.

But one should also be careful to protect oneself to avoid the fate that inspired this song.

Also, if you are a gentleman trapped in a mine with a few dozen another men (or any on a seafaring vessel, or an oilrig, WHATEVER), try not to share the inflated doll that is made available. It is safer to stick to sudoku.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Love killer

Keep striking out with potential love interest?

No clue why?

It could be your apalling musical taste that keeps love out of your forlorn grasp. If you are a avid fan of Garth Brooks or Dixie Chicks or other country and western acts, it could be the deciding factor why the boy/girl of your dreams dumps your sorry ass.

It's scientifically documented, yo.

Monday, January 24, 2011

When your body hates you

Fever, runny nose, extreme fatigue and burning eyes.

Sounds pretty normal when spring fever hits or you are laid low by the 'flu, yes?
But what if this is because a guy is allergic to his own sperm?

That's right. Those baby-making drops can make a guy sick, even if it is his own ejaculate. Marcel Waldinger and his colleagues of Utrecht University reported of men who developed 'flu-like symptoms after ejaculating/orgasm. Luckily enough, it is a rare illness and can be treated by injecting themselves with their own semen (diluted, natch) over a period of time.

That's right. The only way for these men to keep from having to blow their nose after blowing their load is to inject their own little swimmers into their vein. I doubt they get much of a high from that, but hey, whatever works, right?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Giving "The Talk" to kids ...

... is fraught with danger and rife with embarrassment. Being a superhero does not help.
Stolen from here.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The quest for new authors to read (venturing into TL; DR territory)

As a reading addict, I am always looking for new authors to read. This is because unlike that woman in Misery, I don't have my favourite authors in chains at my beck and call. Some authors aim for 2-5 books a year (Yay!) and others may produce 1-2 books a year, or even 1 book per year or more. Now, I understand that writing a book is a long process and requires input from a great number of people from copy editors to test audience sometimes, but I need my habit fed, damn it.

Kitty needs to read too.

To help me through the dry periods, I try new authors. I mostly read romance and all the associated sub-genres, but I have branched into fantasy and plain old fantasy whether romance is an element or not. I stopped reading thrillers and mystery in my late teens; I don't like reading the monstrous things humans perpetrate on one another. But I don't mind if the flesh tearing is done by a monster monster, if you know what I mean.

Sometimes I get lucky in my journey to find new authors to read; this was how I discovered Elizabeth Vaughan, Simon R Greene, Patricia Briggs, Mark Del Franco and Carrie Vaughn. These authors not only crafted worlds that are wondrous and immersing, but peopled with characters that you can love and hate and enjoy their triumphs and defeats. I am a character-driven reader; if I enjoy the character, I would slog through the book (even if it is painfully written) to the very end. Plot? What plot? If I were finicky about plots, I wouldn't be reading Sherrilyn Kenyon, fabulous as her 'verses are. I read her for the tormented and snarky Zarek, I look forward to hearing more from the adorably demented Simi and sex-on-legs Acheron and of course, for her kick-ass heroines like Tabitha and Bride.

I have been reading Jenna Black's The Devil Inside. The premise sounded interesting: kick ass exorcist possessed by what she hated most and having to deal with the aftermath. However, I do not enjoy Morgan Kingsley; I find her judgmental-ness off-putting. Now you may say that it could be part of her journey since The Devil Inside is the first book of the series and I should give her a chance to develop. After all, I gave Rachel Morgan (protagonist of Kim Harrison's The Hollow series) a chance although she was whiny and stupidly impetuous in the first book and now I've devoured everything Kim Harrison. But somehow I cannot like the way she made snide comments about another character's lifestyle choices. Frankly, if BDSM gay sex floats your boat, so what? If you find it gross or whatever, why on earth do you need to tell that person that he/she is gross/demented/sick/whatever?


If it is a mutual pursuit between two (or even more) consenting adult, what is it to you? And for her to suddenly feel ashamed at her own voyeuristic pleasure at watching two men having sex, WTF is that? If she felt that way because she is religious and thinks that homosexuality is a sin, I get it. But she isn't. And there was a (pseudo?) rape scene at the end of the book that was just plain nasty. I get that it is to move the plot along, but it wasn't done very well or perhaps I just didn't like the way it was executed. Yes, mileage may vary but I still loathe it.

Phew. I have not ranted about a book so much since I finished reading Pullman's His Dark Materials. That was the only book I have ever read that I threw against the wall, I was that angry.

Reading a book that inaugurate a series can be like watching the pilot of a new show. If you hate it, you won't bother watching the rest even if it got better (Vampire Diaries, anyone?). I have been spoiled by Simon R Green, Elizabeth Vaughan, and Patricia Briggs who write books that just made me pick up and run. And then chase all the subsequent books in the series. Then of course there is the issue when the show (or book series) had jumped the shark.  I still read Laurell K Hamilton's books even after many had claimed that she had moved into fan fiction territory (too much smut, too little plot). A lot of PWP, but I like the characters enough that I can live with the PWP (although I can name more than a dozen fan fiction writers who do EXCELLENT smut that is both hot and touching).

Seriously, trying out new authors can really be a gamble. But happily, when you win, you can really win big.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Why you should not emulate pornography

When I teach the reproductive health segment of my class in Healthcare Management, I urge my students to remember that porn is fantasy; imitating them could be hazardous to your health. After all, when you get down to do the nasty with your partner, you are unlikely to have an attending physician to deal with potential injury or to give prophylactic painkiller the way they do in professional porn shoots.

The kids are dumbfounded when I tell them that watching porn can be akin to watching a Superman movie. Hello? Scripted movie with directors telling them where to put what and how long a thrusting time to perpetrate etc. *rolls eyes*

For those who does not wish to contract chlamydial conjunctivitis (an eye infection) from sex, avoid getting facials, will ya?


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why must we live in boxes?

Categorising organisms is a scientific discipline brought to organised form by Carolus Linnaeus (is my nerd-dom obvious?). Is labelling things a biological imperative? Why do we feel compelled to identify things (even people) into neatly labelled boxes?

Sexual identity is one of them. How many of us enjoy a titillating whisper speculating on whether X is gay and does his wife know it? We hear of cases where children kill themselves after being jeered as gay by their schoolmates. Being labelled accurately (or inaccurately) can  be hurtful, especially if the label is perceived in a negative manner. The best case scenario is that we no longer attach negative connotations to any labels, but that is pure fantasy.

Nevertheless, is it necessary to let people know whether we are straight/gay/bi/asexual/pansexual?

What business is it of theirs anyway? Unless they are a potential bedmate, I don't see why it would be of relevance to them. Even if you did end up in bed with said person, it is still not of relevance to them.

It may only be relevant if you decide to make a commitment to that person; in which case, I do believe in total disclosure. I see no reason why a gay person (male or female) should not get into a heterosexual marriage, so long as both parties are willing to stick by their vows (To love and cherish faithfully, till death etc etc etc). Sexuality is NOT an excuse to be unfaithful (yeah, Jim McGreevey, this means you); you chose to marry that person, commit to a family life with that person, so you damn well better stick to your end of the agreement, bud.

However, with the famewhore mentality that seems to be pervasive, it appears that people feel a need to let the world know of who/what they are. Look, at the end of it, who cares whom you like to bang (unless you're Roman Polanski)? I agree wholeheartedly with Ms Moreno on her post Gay? Straight? Get Over It. When it comes to treatment of non-heteronormative characters on television/silver screen, I prefer the way the Europeans do it; with a shrug and "let's move on" nod without the drama and obsequiousness that we see in Hollywood.

So unless you're like this guy (see bottom), there is no need to tell all and sundry about whom you'd like to kick the sheets with, yeah?