Thursday, November 18, 2010

Busting up the wild wild west

I have not anticipated any films since Return of the King. Most of the time, something would make me go "Oooh ... shiny ..." and then I'd promptly forget about it. It sucks to have the attention span of a gnat.

But this one does look interesting. Cowboy + aliens? CANNOT COMPUTE.

On the other hand, Daniel Craig makes a lot of things go down a lot easier.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Book rec!

I bought this book on an impulse last Sunday (also driven by the 20% off sticker, hehehe); I usually rent my books. Funds and storage restriction can be such a bitch.

Lisa Kleypas is one of my favourite authors; particularly her historical novels. She has an amazing gift for painting such evocative pictures with words, with well-crafted plots and wonderful characters you would cheer for. However, as much as I enjoy her contemporary novels, they lack a certain something that is redolent in her historicals.

I am happy to note that the je ne sais quois that I adore in her historical novels is in full force in this one. This is the first time she wrote a contemporary novel about real, ordinary people (her Travis series are peopled with millionaires). The banter is deliciously agile; a Kleypas trademark. The only thing I feel sorry for is that it is too short. I finished all 211 pages in a little over an hour (I took a break to shower).

Go on, give this book a shot.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Iron Chef ... not quite

We don't eat much turkey in this part of the world. I don't think I have heard of a traditional Malaysian dish (be it Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Orang Asli, Kadazan-Dusun, Bidayuh, Melanau, Bajau, Siam or Sikh) that is made with turkey, even if we do have those flightless birds in the rural area. What happens to them if they don't end up on our plates? I don't know. I only see non-sandwich turkey on the menu during Christmas season; many restaurants offer them for both dine-in and delivery.

For those who actually cook the turkey themselves and decided that roasting their turkey is old fashioned (or having discovered that your oven couldn't accommodate the bird), please watch this video before contemplating deep-frying your turkey.

It wouldn't do to join the inglorious ranks of Darwin Award winners just for a bird.

However, if you would prefer another version of turkey ... like this one:

go here for the cooking instruction. And don't forget to invite me to come over for a taste.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

In face of stress

Stress-busting is big business, y'all. Just google it if you don't believe me. But for the cheapskates out there, never fear! Home made stress reduction kit is available for all.

I am, however, not responsible for any A&E or Trauma Centre visits, okay? Caveat emptor.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Word of the Day

Nombrilisme (Fr.): the disposition to look insecurely inward, to be preoccupied with self-interrogation,             navel gazing.

Adam has no idea that his penchant for nombrilisme was the reason why his girlfriend left him for an XBox.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sometimes love just ain't enough

Really. Especially when you have diverging ideologies.

Giant step, whoa

Today, 4 members of my family are making their way to Mecca for the hajj pilgrimage. For those who are unfamiliar, the hajj is a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage that every Muslim who can afford it is obligated to undertake between the 8th to the 12th of Zulhijjah (the last month of the Islamic lunar calendar).

Not very many young Muslims think about going for hajj; to them, it is only something to contemplate when they are past forty. Heck, I myself am only thinking of the pilgrimage in abstract, academic terms. I only know that I want to go any season but summer (cos it's hot as heck in Saudi in summer, yo).

From what I've heard from those who had gone for it, it is a physically and mentally challenging journey but most rewarding spiritually. But I really love what this guy have to say about going for the hajj.

Good journey, my dears. May your hajj be mabrukh!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Now *this* is the kind of politician I want ... back when I was an angsty, anarchic teenager.

His manifesto is awesome.

I bet this is his theme song.

Unabashedly stolen from Obefiend here.