Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Men are from Mars, Women are ... ?

It is amazing the things people do in the name of research. It is also amazing the things people study in the name of research.

Nicolas Gueguen begun publishing in 2000 stuff that we already know; except that he included a proper hypothesis, experiment and detailed the outcome mathematically (the way a good scientist would).

For example:

1. Women with bigger boobs get more male attention.

2. That romantic songs puts a woman in a mood to say yes.

3. Waitresses who wear makeup get more tips.

4. That women in their fertile phase are also more likely to say yes to a guy.

Gratuituous Angelina Jolie shot for the gents.

You gotta admire a man who is systematically and mathematically profiling factors that influence men-women interaction. Especially when met with lame pick up lines, women are more wont to be doing this:

Vive le sciences et recherche!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Not proselytising!

I love this man. I do. I'd offer myself to be his second wife, but I don't think he'd want such a heathen like myself. *grin*

Any number of my friends have been the unfortunate listener to my rants of the deficiencies of religious scholarship in my country; particularly the religious teachers in schools who are fond of damning and hellfire. But it is scholars like Imam Faisal, Dr Mohd Asri (although I may disagree with some of his politics)and Dr Amina Wadud who gave me hope that my beautiful faith can be interpreted most beautifully and inclusively, the way it is meant to be.

Another word for a hissy fit

debacchate (v.)

To rage or rave as a bacchanal. Hence debacchation.

After watching Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, I threw a debacchation that could be heard three doors over.

*shakes fist at George Lucas*

Monday, July 19, 2010

On skiving

Shirk : verb ‘To avoid work, duties or responsibilities, especially if they are difficult or unpleasant.’ [source: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary ]

The Japanese are renowned for their insane work ethics and dedication to duty. Is it any surprise that they would be the ones to publish a paper on professional skiving? Mathematically eludicated, mind you.

Another work week begins

The horror!

Oh noes!!!!

Oh, if only ...

Science fiction is no longer fiction.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Iz serious biznes, hokay?

Business Time by Flight of the Conchords is kinda like Marvin Gaye meets Steve Carel.

Trippy and soulful ... but sex-ay?

You decide.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Looking for that special someone? Have no clue where to start? Think that the Internet is the answer to your prayers?

According to Dan Ariely (he teaches behavioural economics at MIT), online dating is not the best way to meet people if you are looking for something permanent.

Oh dear.

Friday, July 9, 2010

A rose by any other name ...


A public lavatory in France.

The vespasienne, although beautifully named, is not always a wonderful place to visit.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Give me something for the pain!

wheeple (v. & n.)

intr. To utter a somewhat protracted shrill cry, like the curlew or plover; also, to whistle feebly (intr. and trans.). So wheeple (n.).

The force of the projectile smashing his groin was such that Ian wheepled like a boiling kettle before collapsing to his knees, clutching himself. Faint sounds of retching could be heard soon after.

Yes, I know, smashed balls are not funny. No, I lied. They are funny as hell.

Don't believe me? Just watch the Three Stooges.