Showing posts with label delicious listening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label delicious listening. Show all posts

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sheer poetry

These princesses ain't waiting for some lame prince to come and rescue the day. They can kick ass and take names ... even in tulle.

Because even villains need to get paid and cannot run away from taxes.

Sometimes the price you pay for piracy is too high.

Darn it. Why didn't I have maps like this when I had to take Georgraphy in school?

Creep (Radiohead) - Scala & Kolacny Brothers from Alex Heller on Vimeo.

The Scala & Kolacny Brothers choir gives a new dimension to pop and rock standards. Stop motion animation = FTW!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Iz serious biznes, hokay?

Business Time by Flight of the Conchords is kinda like Marvin Gaye meets Steve Carel.

Trippy and soulful ... but sex-ay?

You decide.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Emo goth, moi?

Because sharing is caring, hein?

Within Temptation's operatic goth/symphonic rock style is fabulous. They suffer comparisons to Evanescence, but I think that they have a wider repertoire to their American counterpart. It also helps that Sharon den Andel sounds really good live, which, unfortunately, cannot be said for Amy Lee.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Thank you for being that kind of girl ...

Brandon Boyd is definitely one of those few singers who sounds really, really, really good live.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Voice soft like summer rain ...

There are various interpretation of this song apart from the eponymous original by the incomparable Dolly Parton. However, I love this version by Mindy Smith best; the pure, clean notes of her voice underscoring her desperation and pleading. Wonderfully emotive.

The theme of the song is something that I have never experienced first-hand. I cannot imagine loving someone who loves another in such a way; to humble one-self to ask for clemency from the third party.

I suppose this is the kind of love that drove a person to self-destruction because of its loss. I do like the idea of such an all encompassing love and passion, but the reality of it? Not so much.

Just like how I love my fictional men to be emotionally damaged, but if I met these guys in real life, I'll be running in the other direction so fast, you'd hear the Beep! Beep! of the Road Runner.

Friday, May 7, 2010

It's a quarter after one ...

It has been ages since I fell in love with a song at the first listen. But the sheer emotional poetry of this song?

I am gone.

Enjoy Lady Antebellum's Need You Now.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wallowing in auditory bliss

Many, many thanks to darling Suzi for her generosity and DD for her luggage space. I am now blissfully luxuriating in Nightwish.

Next: Rammstein!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Aurgasm and competition

There was a time in my life that I was disenchanted by the Anugerah Juara Lagu award; all the songs were blah and the singers ... don't let me go on and on. This was the time when Siti Nurhaliza bagged all the awards annually since everyone else sucks out loud so much, it was like the sink plug of the universe had popped out.

But two years ago, I started to watch the AJL again, thanks to bands like Hujan, Meet Uncle Hussain and Estranged. They renewed my faith in local talents to write music that are not just ear candy, but also songs that resonate with one's spirit and emotion (wow! how emo!).

Last night was the 24th AJL; the line up of the finalists is very impressive. Most of them are young singer-songwriters (either solo or band) like Yuna, Aizat and of course, the darling Hujan. What made this year's competition really interesting is that they got rid of all the categories shit and left it to just the best songs that made the grade. The competition was really stiff; everyone pulled out all stops to give their best performance and they rocked the stadium down. It was wonderful to watch, although I could do with less of the ultra lame presenters.

Hujan gave a whole different breath to Aku Scandal by jazzing up the intro and dressing up like a swing band. Their performance was livened up by the Raingers cutting up the rug just below the main stage. Wonderfully energetic and Noh was in his element after 20 seconds into the song. I suppose performing in such a huge venue that was darn near sold out diluted some of his vinegar. Thankfully, it didn't take him long to get into the swing of things.

Yuna was in her trademark colourful outfit and guitar. Her delicious vocal dominated the arena without shrieking and throat convulsions. Ziana Zain and Jaclyn Victor, take note.

However, Hujan did not win. Aizat won the best song, the one written by Pete Teo for the movie Talentime. Not surprising as it encompasses the plethora of Malaysian heritage, what with the classical Indian female vocalist intro, the er hu accompaniment (played by a Malay musician, no less) with the screen showing tributes to various notable Malaysians such as Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Yasmin Ahmad, Mokhtar Dahari and so on. Yuna won the runner up and the third went to the Superman-freak, Michael Jackson wannabe Faizal Tahir (is it obvious that I don't like this guy?).

Anyway, them's the breaks. Here's to a more wonderfully colourful Malaysian music scene this year and beyond.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

On life's difficult choices

Pretty Girls by Neko Case

Pretty girls, you're too good for this
How you break my heart in this cold waiting room
Oh my pretty girls, you're too good for this
Don't let them tell you you're nothing
Don't let them break your hearts too

The TV is blaring and angry
As if you don't know why you're here
Those who walk without sin are so hungry
Don't let the wolves in, pretty girls

Your hearts are so tried and so innocent
Wind your flimsy blue gowns tight around you
Around curves so comely and sinister
They blame it on you pretty girls

Oh pretty girls, you're too good for this
How you break my heart in this cold waiting room
Oh pretty girls, you're too good for this
Don't let them tell you you're nothing
Don't let them break your hearts too

My girls, you're just like the heavens
Not a soul to take your hand in theirs
Your tears in wild constellations
Proud limbs and hard folding chairs

But there's millions to count you and keep you
And lovers who don't understand
Don't let them tell you you're nothing
'Cause you'll change the world pretty girls

Come chain yourself 'round my ankle
You'll see the world like a bird
Diving down low, flying up high
Through all of these saccharine gutters we'll ride and I
Won't say that I told you so
Won't say that I told you so
Won't say that I told you so
Won't say that I told you so


In a perfect world, the services of medical providers such as the late Dr George Tiller would not be required; but God in His Infinite Wisdom saw it fit that there be obstacles and challenges of many kind for us in this life.

Who has the right to throw the first stone? Certainly not I.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Not exactly dancing bears ...

Thanks to Interwebs friends, I got to know a new source of aurgasms: Grizzly Bear. Folksy, psychedelic pop that is great for acid trip listening.
